elephants & narwhal
Composition methods & synaesthesia in .haul / s


Ryan’s description of synaesthesia as being “about sensation, not narrative” (Ryan, 2014), is an apt and conveniently succinct tagline for the rationale behind .haul / S. My responses to sound and image are immediate, visceral, and involuntary. My hope is that simply presenting the materials as they are, with no justification or supplementary information, will allow an audience member to absorb the work, finding some detail in the sound, image, or both, that will ‘prick’ them, that they can meditate on, and free-associate with their own memories and experiences. In this sense, the stream-form method of composition mentioned in the opening of this paper continues through to the audience.

The critic creates the finished work by his reading of it, and does not remain simply the inter consumer of a ‘ready-made’ product. Thus the critic need not humbly efface himself before the work and submit to its demands: on the contrary, he actively constructs its meaning: he makes the work exist…

Hawkes, 1977, p. 157 Image2

Reference List:

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