Note from the editor
Hello, and welcome to the fifth issue of the CeReNeM Journal, a publication from the Centre for Research in New Music at the University Of Huddersfield.
We set out with no theme and with no set format – I just cast the blankest of pages and slimmest of stipulations out into the shimmering cloud of Huddersfield's postgrad intellect and it came back with ideas clumped to it like iron filings. Much to everyone's surprise there were themes that emerged, however unintentionally, or, at least, overlaps and resemblances...
To navigate through the journal, each page has a menu on its left which slides out when you click on the words "TABLE OF CONTENTS" on the left of the screen. This menu shows all the contributions in the journal, randomly ordered, with their font sized according to relevance to the current page.
Most pages also have a similar menu on the right side of the screen entitled "ARTICLE SECTIONS", which can be accessed by clicking on it. This menu allows navigation to different sections inside the contribution you are reading, as most of them are split up over multiple pages.
The bottom left and right corners of most articles contain buttons to move to pages previous and subsequent to the current one.
Some of the articles are quite extensive and may take some time to load, so please be patient. Although the site should work on all browsers, there are some issues viewing "Mapping Australia" with safari on an ipad.
Much effort has gone into trying to find a balance between the content and the way it is presented - I feel, too often, interesting music is written about in an uninteresting way; the huge breadth of creative approaches, aesthetic outcomes and ways of viewing the world pummelled flat and smoothie-blitzed into beige double-spaced thesis-speak, stamped black onto a white A4 void. In this issue, each contribution is given its own presentational style that attempts to match its content, a mammoth undertaking conceived and executed by graphic designer Ana Lemnaru.
I would like to thank Beavan Flanagan and Braxton Sherouse for their tireless help in editing, Ana Lemnaru for her Sisyphean web and graphic design and programming, Liza Lim for her support, all the contributors who have brought and shared their ideas, and the patience of everyone over the last six months who stomached my answers of evasion and despair when asking about the journal's release date.
I hope it was worth the wait.
Previous issues of the CeReNeM Journal can be accessed at
David Pocknee, Editor ()
May 2015
Editors: David Pocknee, Beavan Flanagan, Braxton Sherouse
Graphic & Web Design: Ana Lemnaru ()
Michael Baldwin (
Eleanor Cully (
Beavan Flanagan (
Alex Grimes (
Phil Maguire (
Pia Palme (
David Pocknee (
Daniel Portelli (